Please, do not talk down to us if you are not for us.

Ruby M. Powell - Dennis
2 min readMar 31, 2022

Democratic leaders are not above reproach.

Photo by Mirah Curzer on Unsplash

When an individual writes an op-ed that proudly justifies Democratic Mayor Jim Strickland’s efforts to increase the amount of Republicans in our state legislature, rather than focusing on why so many GOP state leaders received subpoenas in the past week, you should question their definition of bipartisanship and whose interests they are representing.

In the last four years, current Democratic leaders have worked to register voters, increase membership in Democratic clubs, recruit candidates, and raise money for campaigns in East Shelby County to ensure that the concerns of Democratic voters are being heard by elected leadership.

In 2018 and 2020, Democratic voters turned out to make both the TN State House District 97 and TN State Senate District 31 seats competitive — that means it was no longer a foregone conclusion that Republicans would win. There was less than a 3% margin in those seats’ 2018 and 2020 voting results. Subsequently, Democratic organizations from around the country began investing in East Shelby County and Democratic candidates like myself.

This year, many of the same voters will return to the ballot to vote on leadership for District 31. I know voters who care about fully funding public schools, livable wages, communities that are safe from gun violence, and affordable homes, groceries, and healthcare, not just during election season but all year round.Voters deserve a meaningful choice for their leadership every single election cycle.

District 31 voters have seen the “Slate of Hate” that is continually reflected in the bills our Republican supermajority sign into law.

District 31 voters see that Tennessee ranks 1st in medical bankruptcies but 40th in healthcare.

District 31 voters are tired of being ranked 3rd in Fiscal Stability but 33rd in Education and 42nd in Crime and Corrections.

We are tired of being in the news for the poor leadership choices made by outgoing indicted State Senator Brian Kelsey.

A mayor of a largely Democratic city does nothing to benefit its citizens by endorsing a Republican candidate in a contested Republican primary for an open state senate seat. I do not believe that is the vision that Ida B. Wells had for Shelby County or anyone who accepts an award in her name should dream of.

I like to believe that Ida B. Wells would be proud of the other Democratic leaders who stand with me, publicly and privately. After all, she dedicated her life to combating prejudice and violence and fighting for African-American equality, especially for women.

Ruby Powell-Dennis is a Democratic candidate for Tennessee State Senate District 31 running to represent parts of East Memphis and Shelby County.

Learn more about Ruby at

source: Tennessee Rankings Data 2018 & 2020 Election Results



Ruby M. Powell - Dennis

Ruby is a Democratic candidate running for TN State Senate - District 31.